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mindsON RBQM | Special Edition – The Cost Optimization Power of RBQM: Backed by Data

Join us for a quantitative exploration of risk-based clinical trials, a game-changer in Clinical Trial Risk Management. Throughout this webinar, we’ll demonstrate how applying a risk-based approach can help save remarkably in different areas such as Risk Management Study Conduct, Operational Efficiency, SDV Reduction, and Protocol Amendments, leading to an average savings of $2.8M per study. You’ll discover how risk-based quality management (RBQM) has the potential to save up to $15M in the Risk Management Market. Backed by real-world data, we’ll demonstrate the quantitative benefits of RBQM and even take you through our unique SDV reduction calculator, which provides you with tangible insights to boost your clinical trial operations. For a future where we balance AI technology with practicality, join us as we illustrate how Integrated RBQM can yield substantial savings, increase compliance, and streamline your processes. All backed by numbers, all in this exclusive webinar. In this special mindsON edition, our distinguished speakers, Anastasia, Sven, and Julien, will provide you with their expert insights into risk-based clinical trials. With their extensive combined experience spanning pharmaceutical operations, international business, clinical product management, and physiological science, they stand at the forefront of Clinical Trial Risk Management.

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