Home Events - MyRBQM® Academy mindsON RBQM mindsON RBQM | Special Edition (Repetition) – At last: The ICH E6 (R3) draft has landed! What does it mean for RBQM?

mindsON RBQM | Special Edition (Repetition) – At last: The ICH E6 (R3) draft has landed! What does it mean for RBQM?

The industry has been waiting with bated breath for the update to E6. And now we have the draft E6 R3 open to public consultation. So what are the implications for RBQM? Can we forget about QTLs? Is on-site monitoring and 100% SDV the gold standard? Join our RBQM experts, Johann and Keith, as they give their personal perspective on the new draft of GCP and how it might impact RBQM in a Special Edition of the popular mindsON RBQM series.

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