Home Events - MyRBQM® Academy mindsON RBQM mindsON RBQM | Episode 25: RBQM, RBM, QbD, CM, CSM – so many terms but what are they, and how do they relate to each other?

mindsON RBQM | Episode 25: RBQM, RBM, QbD, CM, CSM – so many terms but what are they, and how do they relate to each other?

An area of much debate (and confusion) is the differences, similarities, and overlaps between Risk-Based Quality Management, Quality by Design, Centralized Monitoring, Centralized Statistical Monitoring, Remote Monitoring, and Risk-Based Monitoring. Or, in the alphabet soup of our industry, RBQM, QbD, CM, CSM, RM and RBM. At this workshop, our industry experts will provide their perspectives and get the views of those in the audience. Is the industry settling on definitions for these terms, or will the confusion persist?